Thursday, February 18, 2016

how can i make money online

hi dennis hawkins in japan here today we are going to register for trafficmonsoon lets look at this check lsit over here okay the first thing you are going to need is your sponsor's trafficmonsoon link it will look something like this next select a username that is going to beeasy for your future referrals to recognize perhas your name

if you do not have a gmail account already please set one up inside your registration process you are going to see a withdraw code so it is going to be called an alphanumericalcode basically that is just letters and numbers looks something like this over here it is recommended that you have five and no more than 12

same case for the password please set up a payza account if you do not have a payza account already until other options are available and recommended we will be using payza alright so up here this is where your sponsor's trafficmonsoonlink is going to be pasted okay it will look like this when it is inthe browser

then the first step you are going to takeis you are going to come over here and you are going to click on register register after you click on that you will be taken to this page where you are going to be filling in all your information okay make sure that your enroller's name iscorrect that is your sponsor's trafficmonsoon name

okay and that will apperar right here in this field okay you have filled these types of thingsout before probably numerous times go ahead and put in your first name your last name and phone number please use a gmail account as mentioned earlier okay so here we go

alphanumerical examples does not have to be this one but this is just an example of a letter witha number you are going to use that here for your setup on your withdraw code you are going to need this later when you withdraw money from trafficmonsoon okay and this is going to be your password down here

five letters up to 12 letters alphanumerical okay notice please select payza as your processor until other options are recommended some really cool things are going to happen this year regarding processors

so now we will select payza if you are coming in this early that means do not use paypal and do not use solid trust pay alright so you have selected payza as your processor then you come down here you tick this box you will put in your captcha code

and you will click proceed alright now you are almost finished you are going to get an email sent to you from trafficmonsoon and then in that email from trafficmonsoon you are going to click and activate your membership okay here is an example

this is my gmail account trafficmonsoon sent an email to me it says from trafficmonsoon verification email dennis hawkins welcome to trafficmonsoon okay and you will see a code something like this here and that is what you are going to click on that will take you over to

the trafficmonsoon site where you are going to put in the username that you selected the password you selected then you are going to click activate okay what happens usually when you come into these rev share sites is a login ad will load

and they will run for a few seconds and then when it finishes you want to click back to dashboard okay when you click back to dashboard you should see welcome back and your name here okay and over here it has got the profile

which has not yet been setup and in the next email i am going to teach you how to setup your trafficmonsoon profile okay now as you scroll down what you are going to see is your account balance is zero alright all the other fields are also zero just like a new born baby

we all start out at zero okay please take notice down here this is where you are going to find your referral link you are going to use your referral link when you sponsor people into trafficmonsoon in the very near future okay i am going to see you in training two and in training two

i will show you how to until then take care

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